jueves, 28 de julio de 2016


1.       WHAT IS THE DIAN? Is the national taxes and costumes department.

2.       WHEN WAS THE DIAN FOUNDED? It was founded in June 1 1993, from the merge of the DIN and DAN.

3.       WHO’S THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DIAN? The legal representative is the general director and it appointed by the president of the republic.

4.       WHERE IS THE HEADQUARTERS? In Bogota and is represented in 42 cities and towns in Colombia

5.       HOW CAN THE DIAN GET ASSETS? It can receive assets by title or acquired

6.       WHY DOES THE DUAN EXIST? It exists to protect the national economic public order and the fiscal security.

7.       WHAT ARE THE DIAN’S FUNTIONS? Administration, control, supervision, management.


·         Strategic process

·         Mission process

·         Support

·         Evaluation

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016


1. What is the DIAN?
Special Administrative Unit of the goverment of Colombia.
It is in charge of ensure fiscal security of th State, acting on everything related to taxes, customs operations, foreing exchange and trade. In short, it ensures that taxes on all the operations are completed on he basis relevant legal requirements and procedures established.

2. How did it start, when?
It started in June 1st of 1993, with the fusion of DAN and DIN.

3. What are the DIAN's assets?
DIAN's assets are those it holds today, and those which it may acquire or have assigned to it in the future or any title.

4. Why does the DIAN exist?
Exists to help to ensure the fiscal security of Colombia, and the protection of national economic public order, through the administration and control of compliance with tax, customs and Exchange regulations, and the facilitation of foreign trade operations, on conditions of equality, transparency and legality.

5. Who is DIAN's legal representative?
The Director-General. He is allowed to delegate some of his duties, within certain legal restrictions. The post of Director-General is one of “free appointment and dismissal”, and ordinarily, he is appointed by the President of the Republic.
6. What are DIAN's functions?
DIAN administers income and related taxes, stamp tax, and sales tax (IVA); it also administers customs duties and other national-order internal taxes that are not within the competency of other state agencies, including internal taxes on foreign trade; and management and administration of the Customs system, including the seizure, confiscation, or declaration of abandonment to the state of goods, and their subsequent administration and disposal.
DIAN is responsible for the control and supervision of compliance with the exchange regime in the import or export of goods and services, and related expenses, foreign currency financing of imports and exports, and under-and over- invoicing of these operations.

The administration of the tax system includes collection, inspection, assessment, discussion, enforcement, rebates, fines, and all other such tax-related matters.

The administration of Customs duties and other foreign trade taxes includes collection, inspection, assessment, discussion, enforcement, penalties, and all other such Customs-related matters.

The management and administration of the Customs system includes services and support for foreign trade operations, and the seizure or declaration of abandonment of goods to the State, and their subsequent administration, control and disposal; and the administration and control of special import-export systems, free zones, special export zones, and the international trading companies (CI), following policies set by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, except for contracts relating to free zones.

7. What processes does DIAN follow?
The strategic processes are designed to provide DIAN with guidance in achieving its mission, vision, policies and objectives, and to satisfy the needs of interested parties (organisations, individuals or groups).

Mission-related processes referred to the essential purposes and responsibilities of DIAN as a State institution, as expressed in its mission, This includes its work in guaranteeing the fiscal security of the Sate, and the protection of national economic public order, through the administration and control of compliance with tax, customs and exchange regulations; and the facilitation of foreign trade operations on conditions of equity, transparency and legality.

Support processes underpin strategic, and mission-related processes, and processes for measurement, analysis and improvement.

Evaluation processes secure the means of measurement, feedback and adjustment, so that DIAN can achieve the results proposed for it. They include processes for measurement, follow-up and internal audit, corrective and preventive actions, and they are an integral part of strategic, support and mission-related processes.

8. What are the processes?

Strategic processesCorporate intelligence

Mission-related processes
Customer assistance
Inspection and assessment
Legal procedures
Customs operation
Administration of receivables
Mass management

Support processes
Human resources management
Physical resources
Financial resources
Systems services

Evaluation processes
Disciplinary investigation
Internal controls
Office of the Defender

9. What are taxes?
Taxes are generally an involuntary fee levied on individuals or corporations that is enforced by a government entity, whether local, regional or national in order to finance government activities. In economics, taxes fall on whomever pays the burden of the tax, whether this is the entity being taxed, like a business, or the end consumers of the business's godos.
10. What are tributes?
Payment made periodically by one state to another, especially as a sign of dependence.


- Identifica ideas de negocios para poner en marcha su proyecto de vida.
- Reconoce que función desempeña la DIAN.
- Reconoce conceptos como los tributos, los impuestos, comunicación efectiva y estados de liderazgo.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016


ITC's : information and comunication technologies.

RF: radio frequencies transmitions. They are made of electric and magnetic waves, electromagnetic waves. They can be horizontal or vertical.

It all began with morse code, that were followed by radio and then television broadcast. Then cordless telephones, remote controls, cellular controls, cable and satellite TV nd now data (WiFi, bluetooth).

Wavelenght = speed of light / frequency. The signal is affected by the wave lenght.

Radio waves can be emitted or absorbed by antennas, they can also amplificate signals.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

"If" in C++

You use "If" if you want to compare different conditions, as you would do it in Excel.
All you have to do is put the condition in parenthesis.

Example 1:
How to find out if a triangle is escalene, isosceles and equilateral?

1. Equilateral: whn a triangles is equilateral the length of it´s sides are the same.
   if ((a = = b) & (b = =c) & (a = =c))       You have to put to = because it means comparison.
                                                     & : when you put this sign all the conditions must happen for it to be                                                            true.

2. Escalene: none of it's sides length are the same.
   if ((a!=b) & (b!=c) & (a!=c))                != means "not equal"

3. Isosceles: it has two equal sides and a different one. If is not one of the above it it isosceles.
Else : it means "if not"

C / R 
- If C then R

Example 2: 

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016


1. Factoring: is a contrac by which the company can recieve money from your bills in advance in exchange for assuming a percentage discount concept such invoices. The financial institution will be responsible for debiting the buyer of bills at the time the payment deadline set for compliance.

2. Get a Bank Loan: you can apply to get a loan from your local bank

3. Try crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is a financing method that involves funding a project with relatively modest contributions from a large group of individuals, rather than seeking substantial sums from a small number of investors. The funding campaign and transactions are typically conducted online through dedicated crowdfunding sites, often in conjunction with social networking sites. Depending on the project, campaign contributors may be essentially making donations, investing for a potential future return on investment (ROI), or prepaying for a product or service.

4. Angel investor: is a rich person that finances your project if he/she thinks it's worth it. When your project is completed you will have to give them their money back or let them own a part of your company.

5. Raise Money from Your Family and Friends: Hitting up family and friends is the most common way to finance a start-up. But when you turn loved ones into creditors, you're risking their financial future and jeopardizing important personal relationships. A classic mistake is approaching friends and family before a formal business plan is even in place. To avoid it, you should supply formal financial projections, as well as an evidence-based assessment of when your loved ones will see their money again. This should reduce the likelihood of unpleasant surprises. It also lets your investors know you take their money seriously. You also need to seriously consider how the arrangement will be structured. Are you offering equity? Or will this be a loan? Perhaps most importantly, you need to emphasize the risk involved. Offer up a strong business plan, but remind them there is a good chance their money will be lost. It's better to mention that upfront to Aunt Gladys rather than over Thanksgiving dinner.

6. Use a Credit Card: Using a credit card to fund your business is some serious risky business. Fall behind on your payment and your credit score gets whacked. Pay just the minimum each month and you could create a hole you'll never get out of. However, used responsibly, a credit card can get you out of the occasional jam and even extend your accounts payable period to shore up your cash flow.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016



1. Programing language: language used to give commands to the computer to do some operations.
2. Algorithm: logical sequence to solve a problem. It always has a begining and an ending.
3. Pseudo-Code: it's to write the programing language in english.
4. Variables: store data in different types.
    Int: integral numbers.
    Double: decimals.
    Char: lyrics and symbols.
    Float: decimals >
    String: cadena de caracteres.
5. Library: set of instructions for a specific purpose.
    I: imput
    O: output
6. Cycle: a repetition of instructions a defined number of times.
7. Loop: repetition of instructions that doesn't an end.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016


We made a mind map about the sectors of industry, you can watch it here. My partner was Ana Sofía Sánchez Zea.